Contact Uptegraff
Innovation · Quality · Reliability · Since 1925
Sales: (724) 887-7700

Scottdale PA 15683 USA
Contact Uptegraff

Frequently Asked Questions
What winding material is used?
Uptegraff manufacturers with aluminum and/or copper.
Are aluminum windings as dependable as copper windings?
Uptegraff was an industry leader in building transformers with aluminum. The first unit was manufactured in 1966. Aluminum wound units have proved to provide equal reliability (versus copper) at a great reduction in cost.
Are Uptegraff transformers manufactured to any standard other than customer specification?
All units conform to the latest revisions of IEEE and NEMA standards. We are more than willing to build to other standards such as IEC, Canadian, Mexican, government etc. upon request.
Will Uptegraff repair/modify/refurbish transformers?
A large part of our business is involved in the repair of older transformers of any make.
Does Uptegraff manufacture transformers intended for rectifier applications?
We routinely manufacture specially designed units for:
- DC rectification
- Variable speed drives
- Drag line duty
- HVDC testing
- Harmonic current spectrum data is often required for proper design of this type unit.
What size (or voltage) units can Uptegraff manufacture?
- 1-5000 kVA – 120,000 volts
- 1-10000 kVA – 69,000 volts
- 1-15000 kVA – 46,000 volts
- 1-20000 kVA – 34,500 volts
Does Uptegraff manufacture Load-Tap-Charging units?
Yes, you have your choice of reactive or resistive types. Vacuum style available.
What style of cores are available?
- 3-legged
- 4-legged
- 5-legged wound
What dielectric fluids are available?
- Mineral oil
- Envirotemo FR3
- RTEmp (less flammable)
- Silicone (less flammable)
- Beta fluid (less flammable)
Can a unit be designed to directly replace an existing unit?
We often design units to directly replace existing units. In many cases, the unit capacity can be increased utilizing the same space.
What other type of equipment does Uptegraff manufacture?
- Specialty and distribution dry type
- 1 ph., 2ph., 3 ph., 6ph., 12 ph., etc.
- Dry series reactors
- Liquid filled series and shunt reactors
- Motor starting transformers and reactors
- Scott “T” transformers
- Rectifier duty transformers
- LTC transformers
- Auto transformers
- Transformers connected directly to generators
- Station service transformers
- Welding transformers
- Mine duty transformers
- Drag line duty units
- Multi-voltage units
- Zig-Zag grounding transformers
- Phase-shifting transformers
- Units for use aboard ship
- Induction furnace transformers
- Testing transformers
- Trailer mounted transformers
-And units with combinations of any of the above. If you have non-standard equipment, contact Uptegraff.
What testing is done on your units?
All standard IEEE tests are performed on all units. Other special tests are available upon request.
What style of windings does Uptegraff offer?
- Laser type (elliptical)
- Disc type
Can Uptegraff manufacture equipment that can be coordinated with other manufacturers’ equipment?
Yes, we can manufacture equipment that will throat flange coordinate with switchgear and/or load tap changing equipment.
Can Uptegraff manufacture equipment for special duty applications?
Yes, we manufacture transformers for hazardous duty applications, corrosive environments, and earthquake-prone areas
Does Uptegraff have field service personnel available?
Is Uptegraff’s engineering staff available to discuss applications and specifications with a customer?
Can Uptegraff supply spare parts?
Please contact Uptegraff. We may be able to help.